01. 09. 2021
The Software Engineering and Dependable Computing Lab develops novel integrated methodologies, rooted on the synergy between Software Engineering and Dependable Computing disciplines, to face the continuous evolution and rising criticality of software-intensive systems.
Critical Infrastructures Resilience
The research addresses the modeling and analysis of resilience indicators in smart energy grids and railway infrastructures, with focus on both energy consumption aspects and interdependencies among (physical and cyber) system components as propagation paths for failures/attacks.
Fault-tolerant Solutions and Dependability Assessment
The activity focuses on efficient and adaptive fault tolerance solutions to cope with fault occurrences, as well as on stochastic modeling approaches to assess dependability, performance and QoS related indicators of large interconnected systems employed in a variety of critical application domains.
Analysis, Testing and Monitoring of Elastic Systems and Infrastructures
The research explores new paradigms and approaches for testing, monitoring and enhancing the quality of distributed (microservices), pooled or integrated architectures. The goal is to improve the overall software quality enabling advanced features, like predictive maintenance and self-healing, that can be exploited in automotive and industry 4.0 areas.
Scalable Software Regression Testing
The goal is developing efficient approaches for test selection and prioritization, as well as their combination into a broader resource-aware test orchestration strategy that can scale up to real-world large systems. Proposed techniques borrow similarity-based methods from big-data domain and adapt them to analyze test code. Alike techniques allow for detecting test smells and flakiness.
Cyber-Security and Privacy
The activity focuses on developing approaches for improving the security and privacy of software systems and System of Systems (SoS). It also involves assurance of Data Protection & Compliance with legal frameworks such as the GDPR; dynamic specification, V&V, evaluation and monitoring of access control, privacy policies and UCON systems.